
The Berlin-based publishing house de Gruyter has released the successor to the successful specialist book “Risikomanagement, Organisation, Compliance…

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This project is one of a kind in the EU so far: Germany is planning to develop an extensive high-power fast-charging network for medium- and…

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Connect with us on social media: In addition to its profiles on Twitter, LinkedIn and Xing, the BBH group launched an instagram page yesterday…

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Focus Spezial has compiled its current list of the top commercial law firms in 21 practice areas. For this purpose, Focus asked lawyers and in-house…

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It is the result of a cooperation spanning almost two years: Together with the administrative district Rhein-Kreis Neuss, the municipal utility…

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Prof. Dr. Ines Zenke Rechtsanwältin, Fachanwältin für Verwaltungsrecht | Partnerin +49 (0)30 611 28 40-179
Prof. Christian Held Rechtsanwalt | Partner +49 (0)30 611 28 40-48
Katja Seidel Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) +49 (0)30 611 28 40-900


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