Auditing Services

For auditing services, our audit firm BBH AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft is your port of call. We offer all statutory tasks strictly reserved to public auditors, including statutory and voluntary audits of annual financial statements, special audits, audits pursuant to the Budgetary Principles Act (Haushaltsgrundsätzegesetz – HGrG), audits of financial services providers pursuant to the Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz – KWG) and the Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – WpHG), audits pursuant to the Broker and Property Developer Ordinance (Makler- und Bauträgerverordnung – MABV), management audits, audits of financial projections, investment appraisals and cost accounting calculations as well as audits of internal control systems and internal auditing.
In recent times, a number of fraud cases have damaged public confidence in the capital market and called into question the work of public auditors. The public auditor has a duty to watch out for and detect cases of fraud. Accordingly, an initial risk assessment has to be carried out. Based on this assessment, the audit procedures are to be planned so as to obtain reasonable assurance that misstatements resulting from fraud that materially affect the financial statements as a whole can be detected based on the public auditor’s diligent professional conduct (sec. 317 subs. 1 sentence 3 German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB) in conjunction with ISA 240.21). The public auditor is responsible for maintaining professional scepticism throughout the audit.
Our auditing services include the following core activities: